Special Oil Massages

Oils are great when you require a therapeutic resolution to your ailments. Massage therapy is an ancient practice that has gained prominence as one of the best for healing and relaxation to enhance your health and wellbeing, these special oils are a great option to add to your massage. These oils are extracted from different parts of a plant, petal, flower, bark, stems, seeds and nuts and have the ability to cure many health problems.

CBD oil Massage

CBD is non-psychoactive and has more medicinal use than the THC, this massage oil is great for the health of your skin, rich in linoleic acid, has a broad range of medicinal applications, reduces inflammation, reduces pain, it is an antioxidant, anti-anxiety, calms the nervous system. It relaxes and loosens the muscles and relieves tension and nerve damage and takes the edge off.

Camphorated oil massage

Is a deep penetrating oil known to open the lymphatic system and the lungs, sinus and respiratory system, helps to assist the body in releasing toxins that can cause achy stiff joints. Great for colds and flus and congestion with sore muscles.

Peanut Oil Massage

Great for dry and scaling skin, improves the health of your skin, naturally contains vitamin E and is an antioxidant. Peanut oil massage is an excellent choice for poor circulation, arthritic joint pain, energizes your body and boost your glandular system. This massage works well in combination with Epson salt bath.

Flower oil Massage

These highly concentrated flower oils are dilute using a sunflower base carrier oil. The difference between flower essential oils and other oils is that flower essential oils are extracted from the flower. Perfect for your skin and for stress and anxiety.  Flower oil calms, relaxes and rejuvenates your entire body. This body rub down with floral aromas are perfect for your senses.




Ylang Ylang 



Castor Oil Pack

This hot pack is applied to your stomach with a heating pad throughout the massage. Made by soaking a flannel cloth in castor oil and applying to the abdomen. Helps to improve liver function, digestion, relieves pain, constipation and inflammation.